TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Had some free time the other day.......
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Subject Had some free time the other day.......
Posted by white22sky on December 04, 2012 at 9:24 PM
  This message has been viewed 550 times.
Message So I had some free time the other day, and instead of watching old episodes workaholics and super jail and drinking some tasty scotch. I decided Id put my hands to better use.

I apologize in advance for the crappy pics I only had my cell available to me at the time.

I started playing with some ideas I'd been bouncing around and took some scrap carbon fiber to lay these up. I got tired of looking through an open hole where the ducting once used to be and came up with these, the ideas went from there. Whats in the pics isnt even close to the things I've been drawing up but these are the few mock-ups I've made so far. The plan is to make mock-ups of all the parts I want made and take them to a local composite shop to have them professionally created if I like the way things come out. Feel free to throw your opinions out there and if nothing else maybe this will inspire someone to get up and make something, and we all like looking at pics.

The first pic shows the lower left ducting panel v1 idea. However after looking at it some more I decided to go with something like what is in the later three pics. It's a bit more inlaid and gives a cleaner look than instead of just going over the top of everything. I also havent decided to stick with raw carbon fiber it was just the material I had available to me to make these with. So if you like the cf cool if not well thats cool too. If I dont go with cf I'll likely make a textured plate to match the grains and for the pods ill leave it smooth and just match the color.







I decided to post these as they were the simplest ones to make up and I only had so much free time.

I'm not sure if I like how things look or if how the final layout will look is something I'll like just yet. I plan to place switches in the small panel in the left pod and gauges on the right side pod where heat and ac controls once were.

I've got other molds and plans to make more interior parts just haven't gotten around to it yet. I plan to also make a gauge bezel for replacing the radio and trim.

" I told my son, you have to catch the football other wise this just
looks like child abuse." - My brother

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